The MarketPlace auction starts in 7 days.
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to sell your new and used equipment!
Attracting 250,000+ monthly visits, our marketplace connects healthcare providers, medical manufacturers, and equipment distributors.


Automatically broadcast your ads on your own site and on the sites of our partners. More visibility for faster sales!

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Price estimator

Promote your equipment at the best price!

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Analyse your returns and performance in your customer area

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Automated import of your ads

Simplify your life, import your ads directly

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Visibility of your ads

Visibility options

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Visibility options

Highlight your ads, sell faster!

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Automated options

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Automated options

The visibility options automatically apply depending on your needs.

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Email your fleet and promotional offers to your customers and prospects.

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Retargeting is the process of displaying your ads as banner ads on other websites.

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Manage your contacts

Online messaging system

Find all your contact requests and communicate easily with buyers.

Key information about your prospects

Receive key information about the prospects who contact you from your ads.

Management of incoming requests (coming soon)

Focus on your core business: selling!

Tools for your sales

Business directory

List your company for free in our professional directory.

Online advertising

Discover all our online advertisement services to promote your company and benefit from the power of our network.

Custom website design

You don’t have a website for your company? Treat yourself to a website that reflects your image!

Promotion of your company

I want to know more!

Do you want to publish your ads, and benefit from our professional services?

Your personal data will not be given to third parties. Know more about our privacy policy.

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